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 I write a weekly column for Canada Free Press. I've meant to post all of them here, but I've been putting it off. I must do better. All the columns are archived under the Heartland tab at this page:  December 25, 2022 So Here We Are #48 Ghosts of Christmas Past   My world in 1958 teetered on the boundary between a small Midwest industrial town and the fields and pastures of the farm. I was the fifth member of our family to come along. My two older brothers and I and our parents lived in a ranch house our dad had built in 1951. The folks had gone to high school in the town and had been married there, at the Baptist parsonage on South Main, in ’43. Our parents had lived there all or nearly all the thirty or so years of their lives, except when they had gone to California during the war. When my dad shipped out to Europe early in ’44, my mother returned to the town to wait for him. He came back in December ’45. They set...

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